Five tips on dating after a while

ONE It’s ok to feel awkward. Relationships are an important part of anyone’s life, and starting anew can feel quite scary. Embrace everything you face as a new experience and try to learn something about yourself in the process! TWO Be there on time. Showing respect to a…


I’ve lived through this moment for a thousandths times by now. It tends to start differently each one. A discovery. A bug. Some experiment gone awry or some study that went well. Too well. But the end result is always the same. The Machine wakes up. Artificial Life conquers…


You face the road daringly, for you know this journey will take a while; things will change, and move, and evolve. Perhaps, and sometimes you fear this, you won’t be the same when you’re through it. And perhaps, and you fear this more, you won’t. And so,…

A last left turn before the end of the night

Cruising the exposed-brick walls of Boston, a starry night sitting above in the sky, Jazz flows through the drivers car and fills the distance between you and me. The lights outside dim and die and brighten again. Alive. There’s life out there, in the city. There’s a sense…


I don’t quite like plans. I never had much use for them. I had none when teachers asked me back at high school what I wanted to major in, or what college I’d be attending. Everybody knew. Everybody had been preparing for years now. I had no clue.…


Some days are just perfect. They do not always start like that, usually not. But some do end that way. Perhaps it starts being too hot, or too cold. Maybe it started late, or even too early. And then something happens. The weather changes. It’s no longer too hot…


I’ve been living with depression since I was 13. It appeared one day, suddenly and totally unsuspectedly. Slowly, it managed to creep into my life. Gradually, and without being given much attention, it found a nest and decided to stick around. It took some time, some long time, but…


It all started with the discovery of the planet SIG-IV, with its two moons, as dry as a desert as it could get. It made sense at that time to pay homage, and no less than three years of it being found, we ended up renaming it as Tatooine. It…