It is that time of the year again. Your day. The only one in the whole three hundred and sixty and you know you have to make the most of it.
You move yourself out of bed, and into those nice, neat clothes you have been saving for this occasion. You never wonder where they came from, or whom they belong to. You don’t actually mind. as they fit the purpose perfectly, for they fit nicely you as well.
You climb out, and walk out, and see the people, the buildings and the night. You remember they used to be important to you, but that seems like ages ago.
The moon stares back at you, and you know your time is then.
There is a hunger in your mind, you can certainly feel it growing. Stirring. Slowly at first, but getting stronger and stronger. You walk towards the people.
The streets are filled with vampires and monsters and ghosts. It’s Halloween night—your night—and no one notices you, the same way they’ve never noticed you since you died.
It’s a good night to eat and you are in town.